Hans Temmerman lives in Aalst (Belgium) and is a Lecturer at Artevelde University College Ghent. Besides teaching graphic design, photography and sketching, he also works as a freelance graphic designer. He is passionate about shapes and figures, light and clouds, nature and buildings, people and stories, words and sounds.
Expos painting
  • 13/07 - 01/09 2024 Group expo Gallery Ysebaert St. Martens-Latem BE
  • 15/06 - 07/07 2024 Group expo Hidden conversations Pand001 Kortrijk BE 
  • 17/05 - 20-05 2024 Group expo Kunstoevers Aalst BE
  • 02/12 - 28-01 2023-2024 Solo expo Gallery Ysebaert St. Martens-Latem BE
  • 27/05 - 17/09 2023 Group expo Koelwaterhal Zwolle NL 
  • 06/05 - 31/07 2023 Group expo Gallery Ysebaert-St. Martens-Latem BE
  • 18/05 - 21/05 2023 Group expo Kunstoevers - Netwerk Aalst BE
  • 27/08 - 23/10 2022 Group expo Gallery Ysebaert St.-Martens-Latem BE
  • 26/05 - 05/06 2022 Group expo Kunstoevers Aalst BE
  • 06/08 - 15/08 2022 Knokke Art Fair Knokke BE
  • 07/10 - 10/10 2021 Belgian Art and Design Fair Ghent BE
  • 23/09 - 26/09 2021 Affordable Art Fair Brussels BE
  • 26/04 - 19/9 2021 Group expo Kunstoevers Aalst BE
  • 02/01 - 14/02 2021 Solo expo Gallery Ysebaert St.-Martens-Latem BE
  • 13/06 - 14/06 2020 Group expo Gallery Ysebaert St.-Martens-Latem BE
  • 24/04 - 26/04 2020 Group expo Kunstoevers Aalst BE
  • 28/04 - 29/04 2018 Group expo Kunstoevers Aalst BE
  • 19/03 - 30/04 2017 Duo expo with Rose Moens Quartier A Aalst BE
  • 30/04 - 01/05 2016 Group expo Kunstoevers Aalst BE
  • 15/11 - 16/11 2014 Group expo Lifestyle beurs Berlare BE
  • 19/03 - 02/04 2014 Group expo Artimundo Brussels BE
  • 28/03 - 30/03 2014 Solo expo Fameus Aalst BE
  • 16/01 - 09/02 2014 Group expo Gaverprijs CC De Schakel Waregem BE
  • 10/05 - 10/06 2012 Group expo Canvascollectie Bozar Brussels BE
  • 04/11 - 06/11 2011 Solo expo Ridderzaal Belfort Aalst BE
  • 16/07 - 26/07 2010 Group expo Artcore Gentse Feesten Ghent BE
  • 22/05 - 23/05 2010 Group expo Artcore Ghent BE
  • 12/12 - 14/12 2009 Group expo Rabelo Brugge BE
Expos photography
  • 10/11 - 12/11 2023 Barbaixprijs St.-Martens-Latem BE
  • 10/06 - 21/09 2022 Breedbeeld: ‘Out of office’ Bruges BE
  • 17/06 - 25/09 2022 Breedbeeld: ‘Out of office’ Doel BE
  • 27/04 - 28/04 2019 'Shapes' at Kunstoevers Aalst BE
  • 25/04 2019 Group expo 'Place' Wanderlife Gallery, Philadelphia USA
  • 11/04 - 4/5 2019 Group expo 'Altered Realities' Middlebury USA (curated by Brooke Shaden)
Other expos
  • 08/09 - 23/10 2022 Breda Photo - Freedom regained - Video installation together with Nele Bogaerts and Nikol Mlinova - Breda NL
  • 25/06 - 25/07 2022 RIGID’ art installation. Prijs van de makers Maldegem BE
  • 30/07 - 13/9 2020 ‘RIGID’ art installation. Koer en Toer Aalst BE
  • 11/11/18 - 07/04 2019 Short movie 'Family Pine Tree' (music only) at Wunderground Film Festival, Verbeke Foundation, Stekene BE
  • 2014: First runner-up Gaver prize Waregem BE
  • 2012: ‘Creston II’ featured in the Canvas Collection 
  • 2008: Febelgra prize for young graphical talent